Why is Skincare Important?

the image says why is skincare important . there is a flatlay of facial cream, and face massage equipment

The Importance of Skin Care

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body.

That should be enough to justify why skincare is important, but still, many people assume it is a matter of vanity while others are not sure. 

There is an endless promotion of skincare routines but no one explains why you should have one. 

It is not surprising that one of the top skin-related Google searches is “why skincare is important”.

screenshot of a google search of -why is skincare important

Why is skincare important?  This article will help you understand the value of caring for your complexion and present six reasons why skincare is essential for everyone. 

For your convenience, all external references used for the writing of this article can be found here.

1. Keeping Skin Healthy 

Proper skincare is not only about looking good, it is about staying healthy. If you take care of your skin, it can help take care of you.

As the largest organ you have, your skin is essential to your general health. 

Our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have. Keeping it healthy and moist helps keep this barrier strong. 

Healthy skin is better able to fight signs of ageing, it heals much faster and fights off potential disease better than unhealthy skin.

Poor skincare habits can lead to rashes, sores, acne and wrinkles. Unhealthy skin is more susceptible to disease, and infection and is more likely to scar after an injury.

This is why it is so important to have a well-thought-out skincare routine. It is worth the time and energy to take care of your skin daily.

For people who experience serious skin issues, the treatment often means you need to find a specific skincare routine that works. 

In this case, a skincare routine can offer a vital way for someone to manage and treat their condition.

2. Appearance

Proper skincare is vital when it concerns your physical appearance.

Unhealthy skin tends to appear dull, whereas healthy skin appears full and vibrant. Simply put, healthy skin is better-looking skin.

Taking care of your skin also reduces the signs of ageing and provides a more vibrant, youthful complexion. 

As you age, the outer skin layer (epidermis) thins making your skin look paler and clear. Changes in the connective tissue reduce the skin’s strength and elasticity. Sebaceous glands produce less oil making it harder to keep the skin moist, resulting in dryness and itchiness. 

This process develops with more ease if your skin is dehydrated and unhealthy. 

Using quality skincare products can help accelerate skin cell turnover by removing dead skin cells so your body will replace them with newer, more youthful cells fighting signs of ageing.

It’s also important to have an effective routine to prevent acne, oiliness or dryness helping your skin look its best, glowing and in good condition. 

At the end of the day, it’s not a crime to want to look good, and caring for your skin helps you do just that.

When your skin looks better you’ll feel better about yourself and have more self-confidence, so make sure that you are consistent in your skincare routine to keep your skin looking its best all year round.

3. Sun Protection

An effective skincare routine guarantees you will be protected from sun damage.

Sun protection is an essential part of any skincare routine and failing to protect your skin from UV rays can result in premature aging and even skin cancer.

Exposing your skin to the sun’s rays is inevitable. Even inside, UV rays can pass through glass windows and reach your skin. 

Applying sunscreen, regardless of the weather is a crucial component in preserving your skin’s youth and integrity. 

To protect yourself against UV rays you should follow the FDA’s guidelines, and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF value of 15 or higher every day, reapplying sunscreen every two hours. 

Darker skin tones require the use of sunscreen as well, despite having bigger natural protection.

If it is hard applying sunscreen into your daily routine, you can try using a moisturizer combined with SPF uniting two steps into one every morning. 

It makes it easier to fit it into your routine and it is easier to remember to protect your skin. 

black woman applying sunscreen on the beach

4. Comfort

Skin can become dry and uncomfortable if it is dry or after harsh cleansing. 

This particularly skin discomfort and others are easily addressed by properly cleansing, moisturizing, and nourishing the skin so it is less susceptible to damage and irritation. 

Simply put, healthy skin is comfortable skin.

black woman itching her irritated arm

5. Prevention:

When it comes to skincare, there is no question that prevention is easier than fixing. 

While certain skin conditions can occur regardless of whether you have a solid skincare routine, others can be caused or exacerbated by not giving your skin the proper care.

Skin in both men and women must be cared for to diminish the unavoidable progressive loss of skin integrity with age.

Besides the sun, pathogens and wounds are constant predators damaging skin cells in a way that, ultimately, can have serious consequences. 

Doing things like wearing sunscreen, washing your face daily, and using a good moisturizer can prevent invasive treatments down the road.

Neglect can result in many preventable problems. Preventing skin problems is easier and cheaper than trying to fix them in the future. 

black woman showing off her healthy skin

6. Self-Care

Following your daily skincare routine can be a form of self-care. For many, it is the only time of the day dedicated to self. 

If you are a busy person you can consider combining skincare with other actions so that you don’t need to make it an entirely separate activity while still enjoying its benefits.

For example, using a face sheet mask while reading your favourite book can give your skin what it needs while educating you simultaneously. 

Once inserted into your daily life you can use your skincare routine to build other healthy habits. For example, skincare can be combined with thorough nail care and a hair care routine. 

Doing all of these things may help motivate you to treat yourself better. At the end of the day, it all adds up to a happier, healthier you.

woman caring for her skin in a bath while reading a book

Just as doing the right things now can help you down the road, bad skincare choices can have lifelong impacts. 

Having beautiful skin as you get older means making smart choices throughout your life. 

This is the skin you’re in, and it’s the only skin you get, so care for it as best you can.

Now that you understand why skincare is important, you can take the next step towards healthy skin and start implementing a simple skincare routine based on your skin type. 

Fortunately I have 1 post that explains all the steps needed in a skincare routine in order. 

Read the full post below.

The steps for healthy skin are easy to implement. The three basic steps of a skin-care routine are Cleansing, Moisturizing and Protecting.

Disclaimer: This article is informational only. This article does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.


Read The Other Articles of The Series

What do you know about your skin? Many people skip the science behind the skin and move directly into creating skincare routines, but it is a mistake to ignore the facts and blindly follow advice on the internet.

Skincare is the care and keeping of the largest organ in your body — your skin! The etymological definition – Skin + Care stands for “caring for your skin”.

This article will help you understand the value of caring for your complexion and present six reasons why skincare is essential for everyone.