How To Care For Skin –
Basic Steps For a Skincare Routine

how to care for skin featured image - black woman using a massage roler on her face

Uncomplicated Skincare - only the essential

When I started learning how to care for skin, the word skincare reminded me of two things. The first is a long aisle of beauty products at any store and the second is this painting from the artist Isabelle Olivier Cuevas.

painting by Isabelle Olivier Cuevas - Cosmetica: woman running away from a aisle filled with cosmetic products

That may be the case for you too and it’s okay. Many people feel the exact same way when they begin the journey of skincare, but I promise it’s not that hard. 

Although there is an immense variety of products available, most people only need 3 or 4 on a daily basis depending on their skin condition. 

For your convenience, you can find all external references used to write this post here. With that being said let’s get to the basics.

Facial Skincare

Your skin is very important to your body and your general health. It is more than a surface-level concern, so you can naturally understand why skincare is important.

Implementing a skincare routine is not as high maintenance as it seems. In reality, the steps for healthy skin are easy to implement.

What are the basic steps of a skincare routine?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (check references), the three basic steps of a skin-care routine are Cleansing, Moisturizing and Protecting.

  1. Cleansingwash your face with a mild soap – that does not contain alcohol – and rinse with warm water (not too hot as the heat sucks moisture from your skin). Gently pat dry.
    This step is to remove excess oil, dead skin, dirt and bacteria from environmental impurities that end up on your face naturally. Any prescription products/serums should be applied at this step, before moisturizing.
  2. Moisturizing – Apply moisturizer (lotion, cream or oil) to your face using gentle circular motions and upward strokes, including on the neck. Rub until it’s all absorbed.
    This step traps and locks in the water, to prevent any water loss and it keeps the skin’s protective barrier functioning properly while your skin feels smooth and soft.
  3. Protecting – application of sunscreen on the face, neck, ears and lips. It protects against UV rays daily and will prevent wrinkles and skin cancer.
Your skincare routine should include your ears, neck and chest. 
representative images of black woman following the 3 steps of an uncomplicated skincare routine: washing the face, applying moisturizer and sunscreen

To simplify, you can divide your skincare routine like this:

  • Morning: your skincare should focus on protection for the day. You should cleanse then moisturize, and also apply sunscreen every morning. Alternatively, you can combine two steps into one by using a moisturizer that has at least 30 SPF and broad-spectrum protection.
  • Throughout the day: You should always wash your face after sweating. Because sweat can clog pores and make acne worse. Apply moisturizer as needed to your face and lip balm/vaseline on your lips. Reapply sunscreen if you plan to spend time outside.
  • Nighttime: Your skin has been exposed to a full day of damage, so you should focus on cleansing and repair. Before bed, remove your makeup and wash your face with a cleanser to remove dirt and oil. You can use a toner to help close pores and tighten cell gaps after cleansing.  End with moisturizing. 
how to care for skin - steps to care for your skin in the mroning, throughout the day and at night

Body Skincare

Body skincare is a must, as well. Just as you should use skincare products on your face, you should also use them on the skin below your neck.

Body care routine – Four simple steps.

Step 1: Shower

This step is to clean the skin. Showering clears the pores and washes away bacteria and other toxins that could cause rashes and skin problems.  It is also the easiest way to eliminate body odour.

Use a cleanser meant specifically for washing your body – shower gel or body wash. Rub the cleanser on damp skin with the help of a loofah, washcloth, or just your hands. Rinse with warm water. This next step is optional but very beneficial to your health – consider ending the shower using colder water. 

Colder water helps in the tightening of pores, making your skin feel firmer and less likely to let dirt in. This also improves responsiveness to injury and the retention of natural oils.

how to care for skin - showering benefits quote - black woman is taking a shower

Step 2: Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from your body.  Exfoliation should be done regularly to maintain a healthy skin texture while unclogging the pores and improving product absorption onto the skin. 

Once a week, exfoliate your body by gently massaging the scrub in a circular motion onto your damp skin. Massage all over your body. Focus on your elbows, knees, and heels, which are more likely to have rough patches of skin. Note that body scrubs should not be used on the face. 

After you have exfoliated, rinse abundantly with warm water and end with colder water to tighten the pores.

how to care for skin - exfoliation benefits quote - black woman is exfoliating her legs

Step 3: Moisturize

Moisturizing (different from hydrating) should be done daily to lubricate the skin. This process starts after showering. While your skin is still damp, it’s the best time to moisturize your skin.

Gently pat dry your skin with a towel instead of rubbing. This helps  retain moisture on your skin. Apply a body cream or lotion over your body  in circular motions. Moisturize from your neck to your feet. Let the skin absorb the moisturizer and dry before getting dressed.

Note that shaving and exfoliating can cause the skin to dry, so you should always moisturize after either of these activities.

how to care for skin - moisturization benefits quote - black woman is applying lotion on her legs

Step 4: Protect your skin

Your skin is exposed to damage daily. Things like harsh products, overtly hot water and exposure to the elements like sun rays can damage your skin’s natural barrier and put your health at risk.

To best protect your skin, wear sunscreen every day, including on rainy days. Dark skin tones also need sunscreen. Avoid shower gels with alcohol to avoid removing the skin’s natural microorganisms and establish a skincare routine for your skin type

black woman applying sunscreen on the beach

Other than having established a skincare routine, there are other things you can do daily that will benefit your skin. But the most important one is definitely using products that fit your skin type. 

Using the wrong skincare products can have adverse effects on your skin health and appearance. You don’t know what your skin type is? Read the post below to help you find out now.

The first step to having healthy skin and establishing an effective skincare routine is to find what is your skin type. Once you know what skin type you have, you can choose the best products to care for your skin. 

Disclaimer: This article is informational only. This article does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about caring for your skin, you should make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist.


Read The Other Articles of The Series.

What do you know about your skin? Many people skip the science behind the skin and move directly into creating skincare routines, but it is a mistake to ignore the facts and blindly follow advice on the internet.

Skincare is the care and keeping of the largest organ in your body — your skin! The etymological definition – Skin + Care stands for “caring for your skin”.

This article will help you understand the value of caring for your complexion and present six reasons why skincare is essential for everyone.