4 Free Audiobooks for Personal Development

4 free audiobooks for personal development - featured image - black woman laying in her couch reading abook, she is smiling very happy

4 Audiobooks for Self-Improvement

Audiobooks are voice recordings of books that allow you to listen to the book instead of reading.

One of the advantages of audiobooks is that you can acquire the knowledge while multitasking making tasks more enjoyable. 

I recommend audobooks if like me, and you have a hard time reading books from beginning to end. 

I also leave you some of the best audiobooks I’ve listened this year that have helped me grow as a person and make better decisions. 

I hope this list of 4 Free Audiobooks will be of use to you. These books are filled with ideas that can have a positive effect on your life. 

Please note the links may no longer be available. But all books except the first can be found on the last link provided. 

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infographic that reads: 4 Free Audiobooks For Personal Development and pocedes to mention the title of the books

1. Leading An Inspired Life, Jim Rohn

I recommend you start your personal development journey with this book. This 10-hour audiobook starts with easy concepts and a very relatable story. The ideas presented are simple and timeless.

It covers a wide range of topics related to living successfully: personally, spiritually and financially. It is THE friendly encouragement you NEED to genuinely take a look at your life with critical eyes and understand that YOU are in control. And that only You have the power to make changes.

Listen here for Free: Option 1 OR – Option 2

2. The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

Although the target audience is married couples, reading this book with the mindset of self-discovery will help you understand the different ways people use to express love. 

The ideas presented are highly digestible and practical, with many examples. You can apply these ideas not only to your spouse but also to your friends, children…

Many complain that the author is a christian man and mentions church attendance more than once in the book. You have to accept this if you are not christian yourself.

Either way, given the amazing insights the audiobook provides it shouldn’t detract you from an incredible read that could change how you see and interact with other people forever.

Listen here for Free: Option 1

3. The Defining Decade, Meg Jay

Aimed for both men and women in their twenties, this 7-hour audiobook is a gentle awakening to the realities of life. 

I am listenig for the second time and it remains very relevant. 

Written by a highly skilled psychology professional, it caters to this age group with solid examples and tough love that bring reflection and self-awareness. 

This audiobook covers topics from relationships, jobs, money, and education, asking real questions that require honest answers.

It’s practical, well-thought-out advice to open up your mind and help you understand what you are trading/gaining when you make a decision over another.

4. Atomic Habits, James Clear

THE book to help you make practical changes in your life.

This book is action-oriented. The concepts present an action plan for you to try in your situation and practice the ideas directly in your daily life. 

Use it as an instruction manual for building good habits and avoiding bad habits, using the identification pattern provided in the book.

One of the core concepts in Atomic Habits that I use to this day is to focus on small improvements. 

How the impact of a 1% improvement may appear negligible at first, but in the case of habits, small actions produce the most impact results over time.

2 Free Audiobooks

You can find the link to the other 2 audiobooks and listen for free hereIt is a 30-day free trial you can cancel at any time. 

These books can have a deep impact on your perception of life and how you use your time, so I recommend you take advantage of the promotion and acquire the knowledge you need to improve your life. 

This is NOT an AD and I truly recommend these books. You can listen at anytime and from your smartphone. Listen for free here. 

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